
[April 14, 2022] Today's English - sound bite, practice, advocate

Millie 2022. 4. 14. 21:03


Use 30-Second Sound Bites to Promote yourself and your Profession - Tayler Silfverduk

30-second sound bites are an amazing way to communicate your brand and skills. The Dietetic Profession is one that is slowly starting to gain more awareness nationally however, many people still don’t understand what dietetic professionals do and why the

30-second sound bites are an amazing way to communicate your brand and skills

It is important that these opportunities to network and influence are not lost as taking advantage of them can positively impact your future.

To take advantage of these opportunities you can create and use a 30-second sound bite.


Practice yourself and your profession with sound bites

You can promote both yourself and your profession by creating a 30-second sound bite and using it confidently and shamelessly. 

Creating and effectively using a personalized 30-second sound bite will help you make a lasting impression.

This earned lasting impression can potentially set you up for success further down the road.